
Tracey specialises in shoulders, necks and headaches.

  • 1-hour remedial massage $100

  • 1-hour deep tissue/sports massage $100

  • 1-hour relaxation massage $100

  • 30-minute massage $60

  • 90-minute massage $150

  • 1- hour lymphatic drainage $110

Tracey's massage typically combines a variety of techniques based on what she feels will be most beneficial and meets your needs and what you want from your massage.

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Tracey specialises in treating neck and shoulder pain and tension headaches

She also commonly treats:


Back and Hip pain and discomfort


People who spend hours sitting at a desk each day

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People who are feeling stressed and needing relaxation


Sportspeople and women who are pregnant

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Remedial massage.

Comprises a range of different massage techniques applied by a fully trained massage therapist to treat injuries and alleviate pain, discomfort and tension in the muscles.

Tracey's massages may combine any of the following techniques, although you can specify if you want a particular type:


Deep tissue (sports) massage

Involves applying reasonably deep, firm, pressure and slow strokes to release tight muscles and fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles, although it can be performed at a more gentle level as well.

It is useful to relieve chronic aches and pains, muscle tightness and stiffness.

This type of massage is commonly also referred to as a sports massage. It is great to help prevent sports injuries and to aid in muscle recovery after physical activity.


Trigger point therapy

Involves applying pressure to tender and hyper-irritable points in muscle tissue to relieve pain and disfunction. Trigger points are often what people refer to as knots in their muscles.


Myofascial stretching and release

Fascia is a web of interconnected tissue that surrounds all the muscles, bones and organs in our bodies. 

Myofascial release is a technique for stretching and releasing restrictions in the fascia to alleviate pain, tension and restriction of movement.


Lymphatic Drainage

Treats excess fluid build-up, bloating, inflammation, sinus problems, and is also used for detoxification and immune building. 

Lymphatic drainage is a very gentle, relaxing technique.

Tracey’s qualifications do not extend to treat people with diagnosed lymphedema, or who have had lymph nodes removed.

Acupressure points and shiatsu techniques

Finger pressure is applied to specific points which occur along energy meridian lines in the body for the relief of tension, pain, and stress, among other things. Shiatsu techniques also treat these energy meridians to relieve muscle tension and energy blockages.